
Below is an example command in JavaScript, TypeScript and CoffeeScript

// File Name - ping.js

const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
  name: "ping",
  aliases: ["Pong"],
  description: "Replies with Pong!",
  cooldown: "5s",
  cooldownMessage: "Wait {REMAINING} more to execute this command again!",
  //usage: "", it's not needed on this command
  //example: "", it's not needed on this command
  minArgs: 0,
  maxArgs: 0,
    "Incorrect Arguments! There are no arguments required for this command!",
  dev: true,
  devMessage: "You must be a developer to run this command!",
  nsfw: true,
  nsfwMessage: "You cannot run this command in SFW channels!",
  permissions: ["KICK_MEMBERS"],
    "You must have the 'Kick Members' permission to run this command!",
  botPermissions: ["EMBED_LINKS"],
    "I cannot run this command without the 'Embed Links' permission!",
  category: "Misc",
  locked: true,
  lockedMessage: "This command is locked at the moment!",
  hidden: true,
  hidden2: true,
  servers: ["769710808435261490"],
  serversMessage: "Use this command in CDHandler support server!",
  run: ({ message, args, client, handler }) => {
    /* handler represents CDHandler but don't change the param name you can use callback, execute or fire instead of run */
    const embed = new MessageEmbed().setColor("#00DCFF").setTitle("Pong!");


    handler.cooldown(message, "5s"); // this creates a cooldown

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